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How to Find Fabric Laminating Machines


Fabric laminating machines are used in a number of industries--from automobiles and textiles to leather and footwear. As such, not all machines are created equal. Be sure of the type of machines you need (what materials do you need to bond, for example) and know how much you can spend before you start the search. These machines can be quite an investment, so you need to read up on the machines beforehand and enlist the help of the professionals who know the machines best, if need be.
Do your homework. Know what types of machines are out there and what fits your needs and wants. Some machines are designed for very specific operations, such as post-lamination of multi-layers. Also consider production rates, size and price. You'll want to balance the heat capacity, fusing ability and quality with price.
Test out the machine first. Some manufacturers have you send a sample roll of laminate to them, which they then run through different machines to see what works best in your specific case. This is a great way to have others experiment before you make what can be substantial investment.
Utilize the PFFC--the converting industry's leading voice. PFFC has information on industry trends and other information of interest to those in the laminating industry. Of special interest is the "PFFC Buyer's Guide"--a free resource with a directory of manufacturers and suppliers in the paper, film and foil converter industry. You may search for suppliers or manufacturers by state, country or region of distribution.
Narrow it down. If you are in an industry closely tied to textiles, and many of your customers are in the interior design realm, for example, check out? This website also offers a list of fabric lamination manufacturers.
Consider feasibility. Don't be starry-eyed by what seems like a great deal, or pressured by a supplier to buy a machine that's specially priced for you. Many machines are quite large and you may not need such a large machine. There are even desktop machines that are available. Consider also the size of your facility. Do you even have room for a monster-sized machine?
Ask about return policy, warranty and maintenance. You need to know what will happen once the machine gets to your plant or workplace. You'll want to have a good warranty in place, access to a decent help desk and preferably a machine that is user-friendly enough that you could troubleshoot it on your own. In addition, if the machine isn't what you thought, you'll want to have a good policy in place to return the equipment so you aren't left with a tremendous investment that you can't even use.
